• Post Graduate Dissertation- Effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on steroid hormone and
her2 neu receptor status in breast cancer patients
• 1 st prize competitive best research at Asicon 2020 held virtual (17th -19th December
2020): Effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on steroid hormone and her2 neu receptor
status in breast cancer patients
• 1 st prize for clinical case presentation at LHMC surgery pg clinical update 3 rd edition
(28th 31st January 2021)
• 2 nd prize free oral paper at Surgicon 2020 held virtual (6th -8 th November 2020): Effect
of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on steroid hormone and her2 neu receptor status in breast
cancer patients
Member of Associations of Surgeons of India
1. Effect of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy on Hormone and Her 2neu Receptor Expression
in Breast Cancer Patients—a Prospective Cohort Study
Kundaikar J., Thomas S., Aggarwal K. et al. Effect of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy on
Hormone and Her2neu Receptor Expression in Breast Cancer Patients—a Prospective
Cohort Study. Indian J Surg 83 (Suppl 2), 504–510 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12262-
2. Gall bladder carcinoma associated with anticoagulation-resistant, progressive, multi-
focal venous thrombosis and gangrene of all limbs: a case report and review of literature
AggarwalM, KundaikarJ, Manchikanti D, ThomasS, ArsiaA, PusuluriR, KumarS. Gall
bladder carcinoma associated with anticoagulation-resistant, progressive, multi-focal
venous thrombosis and gangrene of all limbs: a case report and review of literature. Int
Surg J2021;8:1625-9.
3. Primary pancreatic lymphoma: diagnostic pitfall of an uncommon medical entity
mimicking operable pancreatic carcinoma: case report and review of literature
Manchikanti D, Aggarwal M, Kundaikar J, Thomas S, Arsia A, Pusuluri Ret al. Primary
pancreatic lymphoma: diagnostic pitfall of an uncommon medical entity mimicking
operable pancreatic carcinoma -case report andreview of literature Int Surg J2021;8:2221-4.
4. Adenocarcinoma ileum: a rare cause of ileal stricture mimicking intestinal tuberculosis: a
case report and literature review
AggarwalM, ManchikantiD, KundaikarJ, ThomasS, ArsiaA, PusuluriR, et al.
Adenocarcinoma ileum: a rare cause of ilealstricture mimicking intestinal tuberculosis: a
case report and literature review. Int Surg J2021;8:2473-6.
5. Negative pressure wound therapy: our experience of a polytrauma with degloving injury
Pratap MS, Goel M, Kundaikar J, Meena K. Negative pressure wound therapy: our
experience of a polytrauma with degloving injury. Int Surg J 2024;11:507-9
Dr Durga Lawande did her MD , Pulmonology from , Goa Medical College in 1982. She Joined as a Consultant Pulmonologist, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Goa Medical College in 1985. She has been a PG guide for several students in the Department of Pulmonary Medicine since 1990. In 2016 she was appointed as Professor & Head of Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Goa Medical College. She has been associated with Healthway Hospital as a Visiting Consultant since 2021.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer and scrambled specimen book.
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