Occupational therapy is a profession which aims to maintain, restore and create a match between the abilities of the person, the demands of their profession, environment and help them in their daily activity participation.

Occupational therapist helps any person with any illness or disease or disorder to get
back to their life and fulfil their daily occupations and be functionally independent
with an improved quality of life.

Health Service Is Will Provite.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy when an unknown scrambled.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy when an unknown scrambled.


  1. Early intervention and NICU care
  2. Self-care re training/ Activities of daily living retraining – such as functional walking, eating, brushing, toileting, bathing.
  3. Energy conservation and work simplifications and joint protection techniques
  4. Ergonomics
  5. Stress management and relaxation techniques
  6. Upper extremity functional training
  7. Functional mobility training
  8. Assistive and adaptive devices prescription and training
  9. Environmental modifications
  10. Ergonomics
  11. Group therapy
  12. Vocational re- settlement/ return to work training
  13. Community re- integration
  14. Sensory integration
  15. Maintain and fulfil roles and routines
  16. hand function training
  17. Orthotic and prosthetic training
  18. Sensory re-education post nerve injuries
  19. Neuromuscular re – education
  20. Cognitive re- training
  21. Wheelchair and transfers training
  22. Driver rehabilitation

Professional Medical Servicer

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s stand dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make passages type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries,


The CT Scan is 16 slice GE model. It uses ASIR (Adaptive Statistical Iterative reconstruction) to allow for reduced mA in the acquisition of diagnostic images, thereby reducing the dosage required per scan. An advanced vessel analysis software, advanced auto bone removal software and complete 3D volume rendering & joint disarticulation to aid ortho procedures are other features of the machine.
The MRI is a 1.5 Tesla GE machine for high definitions scans including contrast studies, diffusion scans (prostate and brain) and fast abdominal scans. It is capable of performing non contrast peripheral angioplasty as well.
The X ray unit has both stationary and ambulatory machines for patient comfort. The Fixed Unit has 32KW HF advantage with ultra high resonant switching and adaptive controls. This technology enables reduction in exposure resulting in reduced dose of X rays.This increases accuracy of exposure as per parameters, delivering power, reliability and excellent image quality, while reducing patient dose per shoot.
This is an Italian sleek unit called “Lilyum” with a double X ray tube, and has both digital & manual compression options.
The Logiq P9 is easy to use and enables fast exams through customizable user workflow and productivity tools. Its the choice for a personalised, patient centric and practical ultrasound system. It has advanced imaging tools including B flow, 3D/4D Elastography, stress Echo, etc. Wide selection of high quality probes for excellent exam coverage including abdominal area, small parts, vascular, cardiac, musculoskeletal and OBG imaging

Occupational Therapy

Health Service Is Will Provite.

Occupational therapy is a profession which aims to maintain, restore and create a match between the abilities of the person, the demands of their profession, environment and help them in their daily activity participation.

Occupational therapist helps any person with any illness or disease or disorder to get
back to their life and fulfil their daily occupations and be functionally independent
with an improved quality of life.

  1. Early intervention and NICU care
  2. Self-care re training/ Activities of daily living retraining – such as functional walking, eating, brushing, toileting, bathing.
  3. Energy conservation and work simplifications and joint protection techniques
  4. Ergonomics
  5. Stress management and relaxation techniques
  6. Upper extremity functional training
  7. Functional mobility training
  8. Assistive and adaptive devices prescription and training
  9. Environmental modifications
  10. Ergonomics
  11. Group therapy
  12. Vocational re- settlement/ return to work training
  13. Community re- integration
  14. Sensory integration
  15. Maintain and fulfil roles and routines
  16. hand function training
  17. Orthotic and prosthetic training
  18. Sensory re-education post nerve injuries
  19. Neuromuscular re – education
  20. Cognitive re- training
  21. Wheelchair and transfers training
  22. Driver rehabilitation

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy when an unknown scrambled.



Dr. Divesha Shikerkar
